Campus Community News?

What is Campus Community News"

The Campus Community News (or CCN for short) was started over 22 years ago by a small group of Chinese University spouses who saw a need for an organ that would provide a link between the campus community and the university administration and between the members of the community themselves. CCN has endeavoured over the years to broadcast the concerns of university residents, inform its readers of campus events and news and to provide useful and interesting articles to inform and entertain.

Although we are all volunteers, we still have to pay printing and mailing costs,. As a result, our fundraising fair has become a popular, annual event, the profits from which are used to fund the newsletter for another year and to help those less fortunate than ourselves. Over the years, thousands of dollars have been raised for charities in Hong Kong and China and to aid disaster relief in other countries. Our only other means of fundraising is the very small fee we charge for commercial advertising.

One of the great achievements of Campus News is that it gave birth to the Chinese University Women’s Organization (CUWO). The idea for CUWO germinated in the living rooms of the CCN committee as the plight of newcomers to campus became a focus of concern, particularly the difficulties faced by spouses, uprooted from their familiar surroundings and often left alone to cope with a different culture away from their own support networks. Over the years, CCN has run several successful mini-campaigns for the betterment of the CU community, including providing bus shelters, clean, safe play areas for CU children and umbrellas and seating at the university swimming pool, to name just three, whilst maintaining our primary goals and acting as a bridge between the different areas of campus life. In addition to the newsletter, we have also produced two well-received cookbooks of reader recipes.

We hope to continue providing a useful service in the future and that you, our readers, will continue to contribute your letters, comments and articles, either by the traditional methods, or by contacting us through this website.

Gillian Kew (SRN RMN MA) Academic Editor


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